
Clerics urge Ruto, Gachagua to present united front amid social unrest

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The leaders expressed concern over conflicting statements from the Executive branch regarding the protests and their aftermath.

Religious leaders from the Coast Region are urging President William Ruto and Deputy Rigathi Gachagua to present a united front amidst recent unrest following protests against the Finance Bill, 2024.

The leaders expressed concern over conflicting statements from the Executive branch regarding the protests and their aftermath.

The religious leaders emphasised the need for national unity to restore peace in the country. They highlighted the impact of divided messages on public trust and called for concerted efforts to address the grievances that led to the demonstrations.

Reverend Alphonse Mwaro Baya and Reverend Reuben Katite, representing the Anglican Church of Kenya (ACK) in Mombasa and Malindi respectively, addressed the nation's leadership challenges.

"We have long upheld the value of unity. The lack of a unified voice has led to mistrust among our people. When leaders within the same government speak with conflicting messages, it becomes exceedingly difficult to restore peace and effectively address the concerns of our citizens," Reverend Alphonse Mwaro Baya said.

Reverend Reuben Katite emphasised the urgent need for cohesion among leaders. "Our nation cannot afford division. We must swiftly mend these rifts and present a united front to restore tranquillity across our land," he said.

Reverend Reuben Katite of the Anglican Church of Kenya (ACK) in Malindi. (Photo: Farhiya Hussein)

At the same time, the Organising Secretary of the Council of Imams and Preachers of Kenya (CIPK) Sheikh Mohamed Khalifa acknowledged the youth's frustrations but cautioned against actions that could further destabilise the country.

"While we understand the grievances expressed through protests, escalating tensions through competition and conflicting narratives will only regress our nation," Sheikh Mohamed said.

Immediate dialogue

The religious leaders collectively stressed the importance of immediate dialogue and resolution within the government.

Organising Secretary of the Council of Imams and Preachers of Kenya (CIPK) Sheikh Mohamed Khalifa during a past press briefing. (Photo: Farhiya Hussein)

They urged President Ruto and Deputy President Gachagua to convene and address the root causes of discontent expressed by Kenyan youth and communities.

"It is imperative that we prioritise national reconciliation and progress. Let us come together as one to ensure the aspirations of all Kenyans are heard and addressed,” he said.

Reflecting on recent disruptions caused by protests in various parts of Kenya, Sheikh Mohamed highlighted the need for careful consideration in moving forward.

“The incidents in Githurai, Homa Bay, Migori, Kisumu, Nairobi, and Mombasa serve as stark reminders. We must not allow these challenges to set us back. Instead, let us pave the way for meaningful dialogue and constructive amendments to the Finance Bill to foster national unity and stability," he added.

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